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Business Analysis (BA) and Business Information Management (BIM) are two highly-interconnected fields that contribute to the realization of organizations’ goals. BA and BIM have to collaborate closely in order to address increasingly challenging business conditions. This paper describes the relationship between BA and BIM, comparing two best practice frameworks, Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®v2) and the Business Information Services Library (BiSL®)). The paper proposes how to improve the realization of business needs by combining these best practices. The paper was written by a working group comprising members of the IIBA® (International Institute of Business Analysis) Dutch Chapter and the ASL BiSL Foundation.

Een whitepaper uit september 2015.

The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) provides guidance for Business Analysis (BA), describing the relevant knowledge areas, their associated activities and tasks, and the necessary techniques and competences. The Business Information Services Library (BiSL) provides guidance for Business Information Management (BIM), describing the processes in terms of goals, subjects, activities, results and relationships. Both BABOK and BiSL are supported by publications, training and certification schemes, and knowledge-sharing membership organizations: the IIBA and the ASL BiSL Foundation.

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